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Registry of Systematic Reviews - Search Results

Found 1 entry matching your search criteria.

1. Citation: Bochkezanian, V., Raymond, J., de Oliveira, C. Q., & Davis, G. M. (2015). Can combined aerobic and muscle strength training improve aerobic fitness, muscle strength, function and quality of life in people with spinal cord injury? A systematic review. Spinal Cord, 53(6), 418-431. doi:10.1038/sc.2015.48
Keywords: spinal cord
Abstract: Analyzes 9 studies of various design to determine whether combined aerobic training and muscle strength training is effective in improving aerobic fitness, muscle strength, function and/or quality of life (QoL) in people with spinal cord injury (SCI). 7 trials reported aerobic outcomes, of which 2 showed an improvement in aerobic fitness. 5 studies reported muscle strength outcomes, of which 4 showed an improvement on at least one outcome measure. Of 2 studies evaluating QoL, 1 found a statistically significant between-group difference. Concludes that further RCTs with larger number of participants are needed to make a definite conclusion possible.
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Record Updated:2016-11-14

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