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Registry of Systematic Reviews - Search Results

Found 1 entry matching your search criteria.

1. Citation: Teo, K., & Slark, J. (2015). A systematic review of studies investigating the care of stroke survivors in long-term care facilities. Disability and Rehabilitation, T1-9. doi:10.3109/09638288.2015.1059496
Keywords: Assisted living facilities; care homes; nursing homes; rehabilitation; residential care; secondary stroke prevention
Abstract: Aims to integrate the existing knowledge from the literature and elucidate themes around the care of stroke survivors in long-term care (LTC) facilities. In 22 articles (5 interventional and 17 observational), three themes were identified: rehabilitation, stroke specific care and secondary stroke drug prevention. These were found to be lacking within LTC facilities. Also finds that there is a shortage of interventional studies of stroke survivors in LTC facilities. Concludes that stroke survivors, who make up almost a quarter of residents in LTC facilities, suffer from functional impairments and many other disabilities as a result of more severe stroke, precluding them from living in their own homes. Rehabilitation, stroke-specific care and secondary stroke prevention for stroke survivors are lacking in these facilities despite strong evidence showing benefits for these interventions in stroke survivors living in the community.
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Record Updated:2017-01-26

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