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Registry of Systematic Reviews - Search Results

Found 1 entry matching your search criteria.

1. Citation: Thrane, G., Friborg, O., Anke, A., & Indredavik, B. (2014). A meta-analysis of constraint-induced movement therapy after stroke. Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine, 46(9), 833-842. doi:10.2340/16501977-1859
Keywords: constraint-induced movement therapy; adult; cerebral stroke; meta-analysis; ICF.
Abstract: Reviews 23 studies (RCTs and quasi-randomized) that used constraint-induced movement therapy (CIT) (2-7 hours per day, for 8-28 days) to improve functioning after stroke. Finds a small post-treatment effect for arm motor function, and a moderate effect for arm motor activity both post-treatment and at 3-6 months.
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Record Updated:2017-02-16

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