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Registry of Systematic Reviews - Search Results

Found 1 entry matching your search criteria.

1. Citation: Chan, W. C., Yeung, J. W., Wong, C. S., Lam, L. C., Chung, K. F., Luk, J. K., et al. (2015). Efficacy of physical exercise in preventing falls in older adults with cognitive impairment: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association, 16 (2), 149-154. doi: 10.1016/j.jamda.2014.08.007
Keywords: Cognitive disorders; dementia; exercise; accident prevention; accidental falls
Abstract: Reviews seven RCTs, and uses meta-analysis to show that physical exercise has a significant effect in preventing falls. States that further studies are needed to determine the frequency of exercise that is optimal, as well and the best modalities.
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Record Updated:2017-02-24

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