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Registry of Systematic Reviews - Search Results

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1. Citation: Morin, K. L., Ganz, J. B., Gregori, E. V., Foster, M. J., Gerow, S. L., Genc-Tosun, D., & Hong, E. R. (2018). A systematic quality review of high-tech AAC interventions as an evidence-based practice. Augmentative and Alternative Communication, 34(2), 104-117. 
Keywords: Assistive technology, augmentative and alternate communication, autism, developmental disabilities, intellectual disabilities, intervention, literature reviews, research methodology, research utilization
Abstract: This systematic review evaluated the quality of research on the use of high-tech augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) to teach social-communication skills to individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) or intellectual disabilities (ID) who have complex communication needs (CCN). Additionally, the study examined whether this intervention approach meets the criteria for evidence-based practices as outlined by the What Works Clearinghouse. Information on the following extended methodological standards is reported on all 23 included studies: participant description, description of setting and materials, interventionist description, baseline and intervention description, maintenance, generalization, procedural integrity, and social validity. The results from 18 multiple-baseline or multiple-probe experiments across 17 studies indicate that using high-tech AAC to teach social-communication skills to individuals with ASD or ID and CCN can be considered an evidence-based practice. However, the review of comparison (i.e., alternating treatment) design studies did not indicate that high-tech AAC is significantly better than low-tech AAC.
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Record Updated:2018-10-24

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