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Registry of Systematic Reviews - Search Results

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1. Citation: Gould, R., Harris, S. P., & Fujiura, G. (2017). Systematic review and knowledge translation: A framework for synthesizing heterogeneous research evidence. Work: A Journal of Prevention, Assessment, and Rehabilitation, 58(4), 485-499.
Keywords: ADA, dissemination, literature reviews, rehabilitation research, research methodology, research utilization
Abstract: This article considers how knowledge translation strategies can support and advance systematic reviews that include diverse types of research. Lessons learned from conducting a systematic review of Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) employment research are explained and contextualized within research on barriers and facilitators to successful knowledge translation. A key challenge in developing systematic reviews in the social sciences is to consider how to meet the knowledge translation needs of varying stakeholders when reviewing large and complex bodies of research, such as with the current state of ADA evidence. Steps from the research protocol are described to provide a procedural framework for integrating stakeholder feedback into the review process. Descriptive mapping, an analytical technique most commonly used in scoping reviews, was deemed necessary to provide a clearer understanding and overview of the diverse body of research evidence. Stakeholder feedback can address barriers to knowledge translation by engaging end-users of research products throughout the review process. Given the growing scholarly recognition of qualitative and mixed-methods techniques as suitable approaches for systematic review, there is further need for consideration on how these approaches can benefit from more participatory research processes.
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NIDILRR Affiliation:ADA Network Knowledge Translation Center.
Record Updated:2018-10-30

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