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Registry of Systematic Reviews - Search Results

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1. Citation: Cogne, M., Taillade, M., N'Kaoua, B., Tarruella, A., Klinger, E., Larrue, F., . . . Sorita, E. (2017). The contribution of virtual reality to the diagnosis of spatial navigation disorders and to the study of the role of navigational aids: A systematic literature review. Annals of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, 60(3), 164-176.
Keywords: Audiovisual materials, brain injuries, cognitive disabilities, computer applications, dementia, literature reviews, mobility, neuromuscular disorders, orientation, rehabilitation services, rehabilitation technology, schizophrenia, sensory aids
Abstract: This review was conducted to examine the clinical use of virtual reality in spatial navigation in populations with cognitive disorders and to provide an update on the literature on the impact on virtual spatial navigation of using visual and auditory environmental cues. Spatial navigation, which involves higher cognitive functions, is frequently implemented in daily activities, and is critical to the participation of human beings in mainstream environments. Virtual reality is an expanding tool, which enables on one hand the assessment of the cognitive functions involved in spatial navigation, and on the other the rehabilitation of patients with spatial navigation difficulties. Of the 6,521 abstracts identified in 2 databases (Pubmed and Scopus), covering the period from 2005 to 2015, 63 articles were included in the qualitative analysis. The review focused first on the contribution of virtual spatial navigation for patients with brain injury or schizophrenia, or in the context of ageing and dementia, and then on the impact of visual or auditory stimuli on virtual spatial navigation. The evidence suggest that unlike pencil-and-paper tests, virtual reality is useful to assess large-scale navigation strategies in patients with brain injury or schizophrenia, or in the context of ageing and dementia. Better knowledge about both the impact of the different aids and the cognitive processes involved is essential for the use of aids in neurorehabilitation.
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Record Updated:2018-11-13

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