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Registry of Systematic Reviews - Search Results

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1. Citation: Sauer, A. L., Parks, A., & Heyn, P. C. (2010). Assistive technology effects on the employment outcomes for people with cognitive disabilities: A systematic review. Disability and rehabilitation. Assistive technology, 5(6), 377-391.
Keywords: Accommodation, assistive technology, cognitive disabilities, employment, literature reviews, outcomes, service utilization, work performance
Plain Language Summary:

What is this review go over, check about?

This systematic planned out, orderly, regular review go over, check examines the effects of assistive technology (AT) on job performance for people with cognitive disabilities. In this study, AT refers to tools that give users "cues" ? like pictures, sounds, or vibrations ? to guide them through tasks. The key question is whether using AT leads to success at work. Success might be measured as completing tasks more accurately or independently.

What studies are included?

The authors searched for studies in which people with cognitive disabilities used AT in a workplace or in job training. They included nine studies, which they divided into five categories based on the quality of the evidence. None of the studies were in the top category, but most were in the second highest category. One study was classified as lower quality, so it was not used to assess review, sum up, evaluate, to determine figure out, decide, find out, test value, find the effects of AT on job performance.

What are the findings of this review?

In the eight stronger studies, people with cognitive disabilities carried out their work more accurately and independently if they used AT. In three studies, employers said that employees with cognitive disabilities seemed busier when they used AT. This finding may suggest that AT can improve both job performance and employer satisfaction for employees with cognitive disabilities. The authors hoped to examine other markers of success, like higher pay and job satisfaction, but few studies addressed these outcomes.

What do the findings of the review go over, check mean?

The authors note that they found few studies on this topic. Most of these studies considered only a handful of AT users over a short time, so it is hard to draw strong conclusions. Still, the authors recommend advise, suggest, urge, says that schools and workplaces use AT to better support people with cognitive disabilities. They also suggest that AT support teams increase add to, raise funding and training for these tools. More research in this area could further develop create, change, grow AT approaches and benefit individuals with cognitive disabilities as they enter the workforce.

Full-Text Availability Options:Free at ResearchGate.
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Record Updated:2022-03-21

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