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1. Citation: Webster, A. A., & Carter, M. (2007). Social relationships and friendships of children with developmental disabilities: Implications for inclusive settings. A systematic review. Journal of Intellectual & Developmental Disability, 32(3), 200-213. doi: 10.1080/13668250701549443
Keywords: relationships, friendships, children, developmental disabilities, school
Abstract: Background: With the expanding presence of inclusive practices for children with disabilities, researchers have become increasingly interested in the engagement of children with developmental disabilities in social relationships with their non-disabled peers.

Objectives: To conduct a systematic review of research on the relationships between children with developmental disabilities in school or educational settings.

Search Strategy: Studies were identified by conducting a search of electronic databases (ERIC, PsychLit, and Sociological Abstracts) using the following keywords: children, child, disability, disabilities, handicapped, Autism AND social relationships, peer relationships, and friendship. Additionally, reference lists were also searched for relevant studies.

Selection Criteria: Studies were included in this review if they provided a naturalistic examination of relationships children with developmental disabilities and peers they may have met in school or other age-appropriate educational settings.  

Data Collection and analysis: The authors extracted data from the included studies and sorted the studies based on participants, settings, and methodology.

Main results: Thirty-six studies were included in this review. The authors focus on implications for inclusive settings. Three specific areas are addressed: (a) features of social relationships; (b) types of social relationships and roles assumed by the individuals involved; and (c) the existence and nature of friendship within these relationships.

Conclusion: Research on relationships between children with developmental disabilities and their peers in inclusive settings is patchy, limited in context, and non-linear in its development. Comprehensive and systematic studies are needed for the further development of strategies aimed at fostering relationships for children with developmental disabilities.
Full-Text Availability Options:The publisher of this journal charges a fee.
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Record Updated:2016-07-27

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