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1. Citation: Lannin, N.A., & Herbert, R.D. (2003). Is hand splinting effective for adults following stroke? A systematic review and methodological critique of published research. Clinical Rehabilitation, 17(8), 807-816. doi: 10.1191/0269215503cr682oa
Abstract: Background: Hand splinting is widely used to prevent contracture of the hands and to reduce spasticity after stroke. Contracture can be described as a loss of range of motion or an increased resistance to passive movement.

Objective: To conduct a systematic review of studies covering hand splinting for adults after stroke.

Search Strategy: Studies were found by conducting a variety of searches: Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials; the electronic databases MEDLINE, EMBASE, CINAHL, PEDro, SCI, SSCI; websites of professional associations; and reference lists in trial reports and other relevant articles.

Selection Criteria: Studies that met the following criteria were included for review: (1) studies that involved hand splinting programs for adults following stroke and (2) studies that included a measure of functional hand use, joint range of motion, tone, spasticity, oedema, or pain.

Data Collection and Analysis:
A single reviewer assessed studies along inclusion criteria guidelines. Two raters then used the PEDro scale to assess the methodological quality of the studies.

Main Results: Nineteen studies were included in this review. The studies varied in quality and many lacked a no-splint control group. The authors describe findings related to the quality of particular studies and report on the evidence base for hand splinting with stroke patients.

Conclusion: There is insufficient evidence to either support or refute the effectiveness of hand splinting for adults following stroke.
Full-Text Availability Options:The publisher of this journal charges a fee.
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Record Updated:2016-07-22

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