Individual Placement and Support Model of Supported Employment:
Translating Research for Vocational Rehabilitation Practice

About the Webcast

The Center on KTDRR is collaborating with the American Institutes for Research to support webcasts and a Community of Practice that examine issues and challenges around evidence-based practice and vocational rehabilitation (VR). This is the third in a series of webcasts that examine the links between VR research and practice. We will look closely at how one particular area of research, the Individual Placement and Support (IPS) model of supported employment, has influenced VR counselor practice and behavior. Presenters include the co-founder of the IPS model, a NIDILRR-funded researcher, and a VR agency representative. They will discuss how research about IPS can be used to support VR practice and how practice guidelines can be useful in supporting VR practitioners in implementing IPS.

This webcast follows the thread of the relationship between research and practice as it relates to the use of the IPS model of supported employment by VR counselors. The webcast organizers do not mean to endorse the IPS model as an appropriate approach for VR, but rather to explore how research has been conducted and applied, through training, to inform VR practices.

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  1. This webcast originally aired on YouTube on February 11, 2015. You do not need a YouTube account to view the webcast

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  2. Edited Transcript of the presentation (MS Word™ DOCX)
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About the Presenters

Photo of Deborah R. Becker, MEd, CRC

Deborah R. Becker, MEd, CRC is Associate Professor, Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth. She has been a rehabilitation specialist at Dartmouth Psychiatric Research Center for 24 years. She has described and researched the Individual Placement and Support (IPS) approach to supported employment. She is co-director of the international IPS learning collaborative in sixteen states and three European countries. She has written extensively in the area of vocational rehabilitation. She provides consultation and training on vocational rehabilitation and program implementation. Ms. Becker has also worked in positions of direct service and administration in community support programs for people with serious mental illness.

Photo of Gary R. Bond, PhD

Gary R. Bond, PhD, is Professor of Psychiatry at Geisel Medical School at Dartmouth and senior researcher at the Dartmouth Psychiatric Research Center. Dr. Bond’s research aims at identifying, evaluating, refining, implementing, and sustaining evidence-based psychiatric rehabilitation practices, with a primary focus on supported employment for people with severe mental illness. He has devoted over 30 years to the study of vocational services for people with psychiatric disabilities. Included among over 200 peer-reviewed journal articles are several reviews of the supported employment literature. Dr. Bond is co-author on a widely-used text on psychiatric rehabilitation, and on two major resources on evidence-based supported employment.

Photo of Eugene Oulvey, PhD, CRC

Eugene Oulvey, PhD, has served as the Coordinator of Psychiatric Rehabilitation Services for the Illinois Department of Human Services - Division of Rehabilitation Services (DRS) for 22 years. He has been an Adjunct Assistant Professor of Psychiatry in the Southern Illinois University School of Medicine since 2002. He has been the lead for DRS on the expansion of IPS supported employment services to communities and groups throughout Illinois since 2005. Dr. Oulvey received the 2013 W. F. Faulkes Award from the National Rehabilitation Association for contributions to the knowledge base in the field of rehabilitation and the national significance of his work in describing the roles of the VR system in supporting and enhancing IPS supported employment services.