Introducing the Disability Coordinating Group of the Campbell Collaboration
About the Webcast
The Campbell Collaboration is an international research network that promotes positive social and economic change through the production and use of systematic reviews and other evidence synthesis for evidence-based policy and practice. On May 5, 2017, the Board of the Campbell Collaboration approved establishing the Disability Coordinating Group (DCG). It joins the current six Coordinating Groups (CGs): Crime and Justice, Education, International Development, Social Welfare, Methods, and Knowledge Translation and Implementation. The CGs are the primary entities that produce, maintain, and disseminate Campbell systematic reviews. They support the development and use of Campbell reviews and provide editorial services and support to review teams.
Participants will learn how to submit systematic reviews to the DCG and what assistance is available for review teams, both from KTDRR and from the DCG, in developing reviews that meet appropriate standards, methods and guidelines. This webcast is an activity of the Community of Practice on Evidence in Disability and Rehabilitation Research (CoP-EDR).
View the Archive
This webcast originally aired on May 30, 2017. View the archive at this link:
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Presentation Materials:
- Download a PDF copy of the slides used during the session: DCG_webcast38_053017.pdf
- Text version of PowerPoint™ presentation: DCG_webcast38_053017.docx
- Edited transcript of the presentation (MS Word™ DOCX)
- Evaluation: Please fill out the brief evaluation after viewing the webcast. There are no CRC-CEUs for participating in this webcast.
About the Presenter

Marcel Dijkers, PhD, FACRM is a member of the Advisory Board of the newly approved Disability Coordinating Group. He also serves as facilitator of the Center on KTDRR's Community of Practice on Evidence in Disability and Rehabilitation Research (CoP-EDR). Dr. Dijkers is research professor in the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine and senior investigator in the Brain Injury Research Center, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai. He has published more than 60 articles and chapters on the social and functional consequences of SCI/TBI, the delivery of health services for these conditions, outcome measurement, and methodological and statistical issues in rehabilitation research.