Webcast (1 of 3) from the EPPI-Centre:
The Work of the EPPI-Centre

The first webcast in the series describes how the EPPI-Centre got started. Also discussed are some benefits and problems of evidence-based policy and various types of research reviews that policymakers find most useful.

Presenters: Ann Oakley, PhD and David Gough, PhD

  1. View the Archive
    • The webcast can be viewed via YouTube (you do not need a YouTube Account): https://youtu.be/QE3nqTy6x-o (Link opens new window)

    • Captioning is available. To activate captions, choose "CC" on right side, below video window. Select "English." Click on "Options," to change the font, size, and color of the captions.
    • To increase the sound, turn up the volume on your computer, and use the volume bar on bottom left side of the YouTube video window.
    • Additional tools on the right side, below video window can adjust video quality and size.
    • Edited transcript of the presentation (MS Word™ DOC - 157kb)
  2. Presentation Materials:
    • PDF of the PowerPoint™ presentation (4.3 MB)
    • Text description of PowerPoint™ presentation (MS Word™ DOC - 56 kb)

About the Presenters

Photo of Ann Oakley

Ann Oakley, BA, MA, PhD, DLitt (Hon), DSc (Hon), AcSS, is Professor of Sociology and Social Policy at the Institute of Education, and until January 2005 was Founding Director of the Social Science Research Unit, where she also established the EPPI-Centre. She holds an honorary appointment as a Fellow at Somerville College in Oxford. In 2011 the British Sociological Association gave her one of their first Lifetime Achievement Awards for her extraordinary contribution to the history of the development of sociology in Britain. She now works on research part-time; her main interests are gender, health, methodology and evidence-informed public policy.

Photo of David Gough

David Gough, BSc, MSc, PhD, CPsychol, FHEA, is Professor of Evidence Informed Policy and Practice, and the current Director of the Social Science Research Unit and the EPPI-Centre. He is active with the Evidence Informed Policy and Practice in Education in Europe (EIPPEE) and is a Partner in the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) National Coordinating Centre in Social Care and NICE Research Support Unit. His current research interests include systematic reviews, methods for research synthesis, meta-evaluation, knowledge production and use, research on research use, and research and citizenship.

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