Webcast (2 of 3) from the EPPI-Centre:
Research for Real Life Problems
The second in the series of webcasts presented by staff from the EPPI-Centre focuses on why research results may not be used today, how to resolve the issue, and how to get more reliable and relevant research into use.
Presenters: Sandy Oliver, PhD, and Rebecca Rees, MA, MSc
- View the Archive
The webcast can be viewed via YouTube (you do not need a YouTube Account): https://youtu.be/Mvj0EtNR32s (Link opens new window)
- Captioning is available. To activate captions, choose "CC" on right side, below video window. Select "English." Click on "Options," to change the font, size, and color of the captions.
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- Edited transcript of the presentation (MS Word™ DOC - 73kb)
- Presentation Materials:
- PDF of the PowerPoint™ presentation (3.5 MB)
- Text description of PowerPoint™ presentation (MS Word™ DOC - 97 kb)
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About the Presenters

Sandy Oliver, BA, PhD, FHEA is Professor of Public Policy in the Department of Childhood, Families and Health and serves as Deputy Director of SSRU and the EPPI-Centre. Her special interest involves making knowledge more democratic, through public involvement in doing and using research, and synthesizing and sharing research literature. Ten years as an advocate of maternity service users was followed by an academic career developing systems to support public involvement in research and policy, nationally and internationally. Professor Oliver is an editor for the Cochrane Consumers and Communication Review Group.

Rebecca Rees, MA, MSc, FHEA is Senior lecturer in Evidence Informed Policy and Practice in the Department of Childhood, Families and Health. Ms. Rees is also Associate Director of the EPPI-Centre. Her background is in social research methods and research in education, public health and complementary medicine. Research interests include the synthesis of diverse types of research, especially studies of people's views on or experiences of social phenomena; research ethics and the active participation of stakeholders in research; the production and use of evidence in diverse fields, including education, public health and health promotion; the use of information and communication technologies in teaching and learning.
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