KTDRR and Campbell Collaboration Research Evidence Training: An Overview of Meta-Analysis and Effect Size
About the Webcast
The KTDRR Center and the international Campbell Collaboration are working together to offer a five-part training course that focuses on high-quality methods for synthesis of evidence, including the procedures and methods for conducting systematic reviews/research syntheses as well as software, tools, and strategies for analyzing and reporting data. The training materials are developed by representatives of the Campbell Collaboration. Online resources from various national and international organizations will be provided for each session.
This fifth and final webcast in the series is a pre-recorded session that provides an overview of the foundation of meta-analysis: an effect size (a quantitative indicator of a treatment effect or relation between two variables) and discusses the basic processes of a meta-analysis and how the technique can be used to answer complex questions asked by policymakers and practitioners. (NOTE: This session was previously aired live on September 20, 2018.)
View the Archive
This webcast originally aired on June 19, 2019. The archive is available on YouTube at this link: https://youtu.be/M8h05QPMJb8
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- To increase volume, turn up the volume on your computer and use the volume bar on bottom left side of the YouTube video window.
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- Additional tools on the bottom right side: "Settings" increase the video quality; "Theater mode" (default)/"Full screen."
Presentation materials:
- Download a 508-compliant PDF copy of the slides used during the session: webcast69-061919-508.pdf
- Transcript of the video (MS Word™ DOCX – 401 kb)
Evaluation: Please fill out the brief evaluation after viewing the webcast. There are no pre-approved CRC-CEUs for this webcast.
About the Presenters
Ryan Williams, PhD, is a principal researcher at AIR and leads large-scale evaluations and research syntheses. Dr. Williams’ work focuses on improving generalizations in education research through research synthesis. He is currently the Principal Investigator (PI) on an Institute for Educational Sciences (IES) meta-analysis that is exploring sources of heterogeneity in mathematics intervention effects. He also is a co-PI of an IES methods training institute for advanced meta-analysis. Dr. Williams is Associate Methods Editor of The Campbell Collaboration Education Coordinating Group.

Joshua Polanin, PhD, is a principal researcher at AIR who has experience in the application and use of quantitative methodology in criminal justice, education, and behavioral health. He is the PI of two National Institute of Justice–funded systematic reviews and meta-analyses and the co-PI of one IES-funded systematic review and meta-analysis. In addition, he currently serves as the project director for the What Works Clearinghouse’s Statistics, Website, and Training (SWAT) contract and is co-PI of an IES methods training institute for advanced meta-analysis. Dr. Polanin is also active in The Campbell Collaboration and served as an Associate Editor of the Methods Group.