Scoping Review Methods for Producing Research Syntheses
This two-part, online workshop sponsored by the Center on Knowledge Translation for Disability and Rehabilitation Research (KTDRR) introduces disability and rehabilitation researchers to the methodology of Scoping Reviews.
In the first session, participants are provided a state-of-the-art overview on current approaches for conducting Scoping Reviews and will learn how to apply them to the literature in disability and rehabilitation. These approaches include understanding the context of the Scoping Review within the larger research synthesis review methodology by comparing the scoping review process and output with other synthesis methods. Examples of published Scoping Reviews are presented.
In the second session, we provide an in-depth presentation of the steps for conducting a scoping review. These steps include framing the research question, evidence retrieval, study classification, assessing quality of evidence, data extraction and organization, and collating, summarizing, and reporting the results of a Scoping Review.
When you have viewed both sessions, we would appreciate it if you would complete a brief evaluation.
Session 2

Chad Nye, PhD, is a former Executive Director of the Center for Autism & Related Disabilities and Professor at University of Central Florida, College of Health and Public Affairs. Dr. Nye has over 20 years of experience in the area of meta-analysis and systematic review of intervention evidence in the area of disability. He has more than 10 publications of meta-analyses of speech and language interventions with adults and children. He was a Campbell Collaboration/Robert Wood Johnson Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Pennsylvania, working in the area of systematic review of education and healthcare issues for children (2001-2002) and in 1995, he fulfilled a Senior Fulbright Research Fellowship in Jordan. In 2010, he was recognized as a Fellow of the American Speech Language Hearing Association. Dr. Nye has served as a collaborator on international research and education projects in Great Britain, Belgium, Greece, and Germany.

Oliver Wendt, PhD, is Co-Chair of the Campbell Collaboration's Disability Subgroup and is an Assistant Professor in Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences, and Special Education at Purdue University. He teaches graduate courses on augmentative and alternative communication (AAC), autism spectrum disorders, clinical research, evidence-based practice, and single-subject research methods. Dr. Wendt has published a variety of experimental studies, systematic reviews, and meta-analyses on AAC interventions in autism, in addition to a major textbook on assistive technology, Assistive Technology: Principles and Applications for Communication Disorders and Special Education (Emerald Publishing). He also serves as Chief Science Officer for SPEAK MODalities, an AAC software company creating evidence-based AAC solutions for speech and language therapy in autism and developmental disabilities.

Ginny Brunton, MSc, is a Senior Research Officer at the Evidence for Policy and Practice Information and Coordinating (EPPI-) Centre, Department of Social Science, University College IOE London UK. Originally a nurse and midwife, Ms. Brunton has over 20 years' experience in the conduct and methodological development of a wide range of mixed method systematic reviews in public health and health promotion, most recently focusing on the use of community engagement strategies to reduce health inequalities. She has authored a book chapter on the theory and methods of searching in Introduction to Systematic Reviews and has been author/co-author of several peer-reviewed journal articles about mixed methods systematic review methodology, the use of qualitative comparative analysis (QCA) in systematic reviews and substantive topics in public health. A frequent contributor at UK and international Cochrane Collaboration conferences, she has recently completed a PhD thesis examining the use of framework synthesis in systematic reviewing.