Artist: Dylan Czoschke

Sharing is Caring
Sharing is Caring

Artist's Statement
My artwork is based on original characters I created called Raven Nightshade and Misty Midnight. They are characters I created that share ideas and their views on the world. My pieces are usually in a comic book form, hand drawn by myself. This new piece that I would like to create for KTDRR is a comic book styled illustration of Raven and Misty sharing information about a resource that is available for adult artist with autism in Oxnard, California. It is called Sharing is Caring, because I believe that if you care about people especially people with autism, it is a way to show you care by sharing information about resources they can benefit from.

Conference artists shared with the Center on KTDRR these biographical statements. The bios represent their choices about how to describe their expertise.

Dylan Czoschke

Dylan CZ is an artist with high functioning autism. He enjoys doing many types of art including sketching, painting, sharpie art, graphic design, etc. He specializes in certain categories including pop culture, gothic, horror, medieval (typically dragons), native American (typically dreamcatchers), psychedelia, landscapes and tributes. He was born on a military base in Japan, since then he has been raised in Virginia Beach, Virginia and then Hanford, Santa Cruz, and Bakersfield all in California. He currently resides in Ventura, California, and attends Open Door Studio as an artist in residence in Oxnard, California. His preferred mediums are Sharpie style art, sketch art, paintings and graphic design. His technique for making his Sharpie art is to sketch out the drawing first and then outline it with a sharpie. For the colorization of his Sharpie arts, he colors them digitally. “I’m inspired to make art as I am a fan of pop culture as well as gothic and horror culture. I enjoy watching movies and tv shows as well as playing video games and listening to music. I’m inspired by both horror and gothic art because I always thought that skulls generally looked cool and Halloween has been one of my favorite holidays. I am also a big fan of Tim Burton's artistic style as well.” Visit to view/purchase his art or order a custom commission.

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