Artist: Jordan Taku Johnson


Artist's Statement
The topic Taku best aligns with is “The best ways to share research findings with people with disabilities, including those from nondominant groups.” As someone who is a minimal verbal communicator, Taku is considered from a non dominant group and he gets information shared with him in a variety of ways. Taku understands English and Japanese and he can get information told to him verbally, written, and electronically. With the help of his peer mentor, Taku would like to express the importance of sharing information with people with disabilities, by taking photographs of ordinary objects that assists nondominant and nonverbal groups in accessing information.

Conference artists shared with the Center on KTDRR these biographical statements. The bios represent their choices about how to describe their expertise.

Jordan Taku Johnson

Jordan Taku Johnson is a minimal verbal communicator 28 year old artist with autism who lives in Newbury Park, California. With the help of mom and his peer mentors, Taku creates digital art and also loves photography. He attends Open Door Studio in Oxnard, California 3 times a week.

Learn more about Taku's art online: