Artist: Jose Padilla

Dance of the One-Eyed Eels
Dance of the One-Eyed Eels
Tubular Waves
Tubular Waves
Mosaic Crossroads
Mosaic Crossroads

Artist's Statement

Conference artists shared with the Center on KTDRR these biographical statements. The bios represent their choices about how to describe their expertise.

Jose Padilla

Jose’s formal training in art was limited to High School art classes and a semester of Junior College. As a migrant farm family of 12 children and two parents, his family had to move from place to place to work the fields to survive. As Jose moved forward with his life, he came out as a gay man during the AIDS crisis. Jose returned to heritage traditions and cultural techniques of Mandala and Alebrijes in 2017 his long term partner passed. His artwork drew public attention when National Arts and Disability Center at UCLA asked Jose to participate in a public service campaign for COVID awareness within their community of disabled artists.

As interest in his art has grown, Jose has participated in local gallery shows and the National Arts Program. At the Sonoma County Fair 2023-2024, Jose earned five first place ribbons in Fine Arts: They include: Alebrijes (mixed media) sculptures: “Indigo Moray” (1st - 2024), “Wilde” a driftwood goat (1st - 2024 Wood sculpture), “Octomania” (1st - 2023) and “Flying Squid” (2nd - 2023); Abstract acrylic painting for “Green Eclipse”(1st - 2023), “Snow Cone Kaleidoscope” (3rd - 2024), and “Azule Extasis” (4th - 2023).

Learn more about Jose's art online: