Artist: Vickie Lawrence

Artist's Statement
These arts help with creating working with colorful tissues, paper and glass. It is designed to be seen and enjoyed by the visually impaired community. The glass bottle has texture by adding beads, tissue paper, and yarn so people can feel the different textures to fully immerse themselves into the art piece.

Conference artists shared with the Center on KTDRR these biographical statements. The bios represent their choices about how to describe their expertise.

Vickie Lawrence

Vickie Lawrence moved to San Diego County from upstate New York in April 2011. Vickie has been passionate about arts. Since she has not let her disability hinder her desire to express herself artistically or to her goal of opening a nonprofit organization of art Studio. Vickie hopes to empower other members of the disabled community by providing the opportunity of self-expression.

Learn more about Vickie's art online: