Inclusion/Exclusion Process

Screening articles can be a challenging task, especially if you need to manage dual coding. Many people use reference management software for this purpose as noted in the King article below. Other use the full-featured programs described in Software Tools for Conducting Systematic Reviews. In addition to those tools, abstrackr is a web-based tool that can be useful.

Articles about the Inclusion/Exclusion Process

  1. Stern, C. Jordan, Z, & McArthur, A. (2014). Developing the review question and inclusion criteria. American Journal of Nursing, 114(4), 53-56.
  2. King, R., Hooper, B., & Wood, W. (2011). Using bibliographic software to appraise and code data in educational systematic review research. Med Teach, 33(9), 719-723.

Tools and Guides for Supporting the Inclusion/Exclusion Process

  1. abstrackr: Free, open-source tool for facilitating the citation screening process. Developed by the Center for Evidence-Based Medicine at Brown University. Available free of charge.

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