Webcast (2 of 4):
Ethics in Research: A Scientific Lifecycle Approach
About the Webcast:
This session introduces investigators to ethical issues that might arise at each step in the research life cycle. The research life cycle is inspired by Ian Graham’s Knowledge to Action or KTA cycle, and depicts the process of both knowledge generation and knowledge translation, as well as the infinite and iterative feedback between these two processes. Within this framework, the junctures for ethical consideration are presented along the cycle. (Originally aired Aug. 21, 2014.)
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- Presentation Materials:
- Download a copy of the slides used during the session: webcast_082114.pdf
- Text version of PowerPoint™ presentation: webcast_082114.docx
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About the Presenters:

Ms. Jessica Mankowski is Manager of the Knowledge Translation Strategy Unit. She has worked over the past decade in the knowledge translation, capacity building and cross-sector partnership arenas. At CIHR, Jessica and the Knowledge Translation team work to support the integration of KT in CIHR’s activities and to build capacity in the health research community.

Dr. Jaime Flamenbaum is a bioethicist currently working as senior ethics advisor at CIHR. He is leading the ethics education project, among other activities. His areas of concentration are: ethics of disrupting technologies; ethics of trials, and methodology of health sciences. He has published on ethics of knowledge translation and the epistemology of medicine.