Webcast (4 of 4):
Evidence Informed Policy Making: A CIHR - Knowledge Translation Approach
About the Webcast:
In this webcast, presenters will share information on two evidence-informed policymaking initiatives at CIHR; the Evidence-Informed Healthcare Renewal Signature Initiative and the Drug Safety and Effectiveness Network. Presenters will also describe some of the lessons learned in developing and delivering these programs and others such as the Best Brains Exchanges, Partnerships for Health System Improvement, Knowledge Synthesis, Knowledge to Action, and Science Policy Fellowships. (Originally aired Aug. 28, 2014.)
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About the Presenters:

Meghan D. Baker, MSc is a Senior Specialist in the Knowledge Translation Strategy Unit at the Canadian Institutes of Health Research. Meghan focuses much of her attention and time acting as a knowledge broker to senior level policy and decision makers, and prominent Canadian and international researchers, facilitating evidence-informed policy making. Through her role in leading key knowledge translation platforms and programs, and as the strategic lead of several knowledge translation funding mechanisms, she encourages and supports the translation of research evidence, in an effort to move knowledge into practice. Prior to joining the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Meghan worked in publishing; where she began her career in knowledge translation after graduating. Meghan holds a multi-disciplinary Master of Science degree from the University of Edinburgh, Scotland and a Bachelor of Arts Honours degree from the University of Guelph.

Jennifer Campbell is a Senior Advisor with the Canadian Institutes of Health Research where she plays a key role in initiatives aimed at supporting evidence-informed decision making by senior policy and decision makers in ministries across Canada. Her work has focused in the area of health care renewal, managing CIHR's Evidence-Informed Healthcare Renewal Roadmap Signature Initiative and KT initiatives such as Evidence on Tap. Jennifer has over 15 years of experience in the public and charitable sectors, managing partnerships, knowledge translation programs and developing strategic initiatives in the health research arena with a main focus on supporting linkages among researchers and policy makers. Jennifer has a Bachelor of Science in Health Studies from the University of Waterloo; and a Master of Arts in Human Systems Intervention from Concordia University.

Diane Forbes is the Associate Director for the Drug Safety and Effectiveness Network (DSEN) at the Canadian Institutes of Health Research. She has been involved with DSEN since its inception in 2007 and has worked to see it move from a concept to a fully operational network. She holds a clinical designation, a B.Comm, a M.A in Economics, supplemented by senior professional experience within the public service. She has worked with leading researchers and senior policy makers on a variety of health issues over the course of her career.

Mike Wilson is the assistant director at the McMaster Health Forum, an assistant professor in the Department of Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics, a member of the Centre for Health Economics and Policy Analysis, and an investigator with the Program in Policy Decision-making at McMaster University. Mike’s research is primarily related to policy-focused knowledge translation. This includes several efforts designed to support the use of research evidence in health systems such as convening stakeholder dialogues about pressing health system issues and leading a rapid-response program that is designed to provide policymakers with syntheses of research evidence over a three-, 10-or 30-business-day timeframe.

Daniel McLean is policy analyst in the Health Product and Food Branch Inspectorate at Health Canada. He joined Health Canada as a Science Policy Fellow in the Strategic Policy Branch. Daniel was subsequently recruited to the federal public service through the Recruitment of Policy Leaders program and relocated to the Health Product and Food Branch at Health Canada in January 2014. He received a PhD from the University of Toronto in 2013 in Chemical and Biomedical Engineering, where he studied in Professor Molly Shoichet’s regenerative medicine lab and developed novel antibody-based radio-diagnostic agents.