Alison Hoens
The University of British Columbia

In her role as a Physical Therapy Knowledge Broker (, Alison Hoens provides knowledge translation (KT) expertise for health researchers, clinicians, and decision makers in British Columbia and beyond. She is a clinical professor in the University of British Columbia Department of Physical Therapy, Affiliate Knowledge Broker, at Arthritis Research Canada and a research associate with the Centre for Advancing Health Outcomes. Ms. Hoens has held previous positions as the KT Specialist at the BC Support Unit and as the Physiotherapy Research, Education, and Practice Coordinator at Providence Health Care. She is a member (past co-chair) of Arthritis Research Canada’s Arthritis Patient Advisory Board. Ms. Hoens has facilitated stakeholder engagement, application of theories, frameworks, models, tools, and strategies founded on KT implementation science. She also has executed targeted and tailored KT activities in over 75 projects among more than 500 researchers, clinicians, decision makers, and patients. Partnerships have been successful in procuring more than $22 million in grant funding. The 24 resources and tools that have been developed to support clinical practice have been accessed more than 1 million times worldwide.