Marsha Ellison
UMass Chan Medical School

Dr. Marsha Ellison is a Professor of Psychiatry at the UMass Chan Medical School and the director of Knowledge Translation at the Learning and Working RRTC, Transition to Adulthood Center for Research. Dr. Ellison has more than 30 years of experience in services research for youth and young adults with serious mental health conditions, with a specialization in education and employment supports and interventions. She currently serves as coprincipal investigator for the NIDILRR-funded Center on Knowledge Translation for Employment Research (CeKTER). Dr. Ellison also serves as the director of the Communications division for the Implementation Science and Practice Advances Research Center, for which she directs all knowledge translation and dissemination efforts of research from multiple investigators into multiple formats for various stakeholders, including educators, policy makers, and individuals with disabilities.