Allison B. Taylor
Institute for Community Inclusion (ICI), University of Massachusetts Boston
Conference presenters shared with the Center on KTDRR these biographical statements. The bios represent their choices about how to describe their expertise.
Allison B. Taylor, PhD, MSW, is a Senior Research Associate at the Institute for Community Inclusion (ICI) at the University of Massachusetts Boston. Dr. Taylor is the principal investigator (PI) for the Lawrence Partnership for Transition to Employment (LPTE), an Administration for Community Living Project of National Significance on Community Collaborations for Employment. Dr. Taylor specializes in qualitative and community-based research and evaluation, including RSA model demonstrations, a 2020 Switzer fellowship, and several other NIDILRR-funded projects, with a focus on how the voices of people with lived experience can help improve employment services and systems. She holds a PhD in sociocultural anthropology from Brandeis University, an MSW from Boston University, and a BA in clinical psychology from Tufts University.
Conference Presentation: Panel - Lawrence Partnership for Transition to Employment