Madison Graulty
University of Wyoming

Conference presenters shared with the Center on KTDRR these biographical statements. The bios represent their choices about how to describe their expertise.

Madison Graulty

Madison Graulty (they/she) served as the Vocational Rehab Makerspace Coordinator at the University of Wyoming from 2022-2024. In this role, Madisonfacilitated the Rural Youth Apprenticeship Development program through hands-on activities and developed content for a micro-credentialing system. Working with students one-on-one or in small groups, students are led through registered pre-apprenticeships and work experiences where they gain valuable skills for the workforce. Madison’s work focuses on lowering the barriers to accessing makerspace technology and adapting and developing accessible content for vocational rehab communities to empower people with disabilities across the state of Wyoming. Madison has transitioned to contracting directly with the Wyoming Division of Vocational Rehab to continue skills training, job coaching, and connecting DVR populations to pre-apprenticeship programs.

Conference Presentation: Developing a Digital Technology Evidence Toolkit and Portal for Mitigating Social Isolation and Loneliness in Older Adults: A Pilot Study